Take risks, face uncertainty, resilience, overcome obstacles and embrace failure.
Topics: Be an Entrepreneur, Skills, Co-Founders Dynamics, Deal with Investors.
Starting Up
Suggested step-by-step playbook to bring your idea into a working MVP.
Topics: Pitch, Business Model Canvas, Problem Understanding, Solution, MVP, Launch.
If you are not measuring you might not be learning fast enough.
Topics: Funnel, Conversions, MRR, CPL, CAC, Pirate Metrics (AARRR)
Product Management
Understand how a Product is managed, how to discover what needs to be done.
Topics: Vision, Strategy, Roadmap, Prioritization, Backlog, Discovery, Stakeholders
Area of expertise that is responsible for building and maintaining the products.
Topics: Software Engineering, Infrastructure, Techniques and Practices, Data Engineering
Design roles, activities and tools around building a digital product.
Topics: Design Thinking, Prototyping, User Interface, UX Design, UX Research, Design Ops
Product Teams
Highly effective teams have very autonomy and well-defined roles.
Topics: Spotify Model, Agile, Product Team Roles (PM, Designer and Engineers).
People are your greatest assets that needs investment and taking care of.
Topics: Recruiting (Hiring, Job Description), Employee Experience (Onboarding, 1:1, Job Design)
Company Building
Creating a solid Culture is the foundation of any successful company.
Topics: Culture Building, Financials, Funding, Management, Playbooks, Metrics, OKRs
Discover which channels attract and convert the largest amount of customers.
Topics: Stages (Traction, Expansion, and Optimization), Growth Hacking, Experimentation, Bullseye Framework.
Everything a business does to get an ideal customer to know, like and trust them.
Topics: Marketing Mix, Campaign Tracking, SEO, Content Marketing, Social Media, Affiliates, Influencers, Branding
The ultimate test of the performance of your product and your leadership.
Topics: Sales Playbook, Sales Machine, Sales Funnel, SDR, MQL