
The area of expertise that is responsible for building and maintaining the products and tools needed to deliver the value proposition to the customers.

Start reading General Guides or checkout some References

General Guides


Valuable Concepts

Ownership, Autonomy, Accountability, KISS, DRY, YAGNI, SOLID. "You build it, you ship if, you fix it"

Engineering Secrets

Secrets will only be revealed when you read this topic :-)

Engineering Practices

Spike, PoC, Premortem, Postmortem, Pair Programming, Code Review, Refactoring, Continuous Delivery, Observability, Reliability, Clean Code

Software Engineering

Architecture, Design, Development, Stacks

Infrastructure, Devops and SRE

Devops, SRE, Cloud, IaC, Containerization, Microservices, Infrastructure components

Quality Assurance


Test Strategy, Test Coverage, Unit Test, Usability Test, Manual Test

Data Engineering


Data Strategy, Data Pipeline, Data Lake, Data Warehouse, Databases, Data Analysis, Data Visualization

Data Science


Statistics, Model Training, Machine Learning, Programming in R and Python

Specific Contexts


IoT, Blockchain


The Manager’s Path - by Camille Frontier
A Guide for Tech Leaders Navigating Growth and Change
Key takeaways
  • “One-on-one meetings with your manager are an essential feature of a good working relationship.”
  • “A manager’s job involves making it easy for her employees to get things done by creating fertile environments in which work can happen.”
  • “Mentoring new hires is critical.”
  • “Feedback works best when you, as a manager, pair that feedback with coaching.”
  • “It’s unrealistic to think you can or should shield your team from everything.”
  • Production-Ready Microservices - by Susan Fowler
    Building Standardized Systems Across an Engineering Organization
    Microservices Patterns - by Chris Richardson

    Refactoring - by Martin Fowler
    Improving the Design of Existing Code